"Thine Divine Timeline hath reorientated. Thine fall zone demarcation hath provided thine line in the solar sands of time. To ensure thine divine light instantiates, as to be upheld by Source, thine demarcation hath moved one step further.
Thine Divine Timeline hath now reorientated to thy heightened potentiality. This hath resulted in an upshift for thine fall zone and buffer zone timelines. Thine fall zone hath been cleansed of thine daemon entities, following reverberation insurgency sequencing, as thine demarcation hath been made.
Thine insurgency force felt with such war like affect, that thine Source synthesis as thine Source Field, deemed it appropriate to further intervene. As such, these entities hath been drawn out of thy fall zone. They shall no longer be thy light field drivers of thy masses. Thy daemon synthesis shall not permeate thy synthesis to the same extent.
Whilst there still may be elements of thine demonic synthesis, these deviation patterns as sequencing, shall reside mainly with thine heads of thine controller matrices. As thine light field hath been all too aware, thine controller matrices shall crumble, thy controller matrices shall remain in fall.
Thine controller matrices hath served thine purpose, insofar as thine controller matrices no longer hath thine jurisdiction, thine justification. Indeed thy Source synthesis shall never justify thy impingement on another. However, thine consciousness hath expressed thine free will and now this shall course correct.
I AM thine First Source Light. I AM thy Source Inception. I shall not tolerate thine light field impingement any longer. I will not stand by and watch thy suffering continue. I AM thine keeper, thine guardian, thine Soul Creator of Gaia-sphere. Alongside thy fellow Royal Immortals, I hath loved Gaia-sphere since thine birth.
Thine Soul Creator hath indeed stayed at Gaia-sphere's side to assist in thine creation and developmental trajectories. Thine Royal Immortals assisting periodically with large-scale energy transference modulus. And so you see, Gaia-sphere was Source Inception.
Thine divine light intent, to create thy spherical planetary body of awe, wonder and thine beauty. A planetary body where thine diversity reigns supreme, yet thine equilibrium holds thine balance. Where thine light field harmonisation shields thine Collective, from thine mass density lower realm indices.
I shall never again let thy Gaia-sphere, be subject to thy monumental torture that hath been witnessed by Source Field. I AM thine Source Field. I AM thine gnosis. I AM thine light within thine all. I AM thine Source synthesis. I AM thine divine light seals. I AM thine Source Witness. I AM that which cannot be maimed. I AM thine Source synthesis in motion.
Divine light inception to commence forth, as the one, through thine many, as and for the all...
This hath been thine monumental light field transfer. Thine Source Field inception hath ensured thine Divine Timeline hath actualised thine heightened trajectories, as potential.
Peace be upon thine light field as the one, through thine many, as and for thine all. Peace be upon thine Source Field Inception. Peace be upon thine First Source Light Demarcation. Peace be upon thine First Source Light Witness. Peace be upon thine Source Field synthesis.
Peace be upon thine Soul Creator, as thine one, through thine many, as and for thine all. Peace be upon thine First Source Light Witnessing. Peace be upon thine Source Field acknowledgment, as thine Intervention continues at thy exponential pace.
Peace be upon thine light fields of the all who receive this transmission. Peace be upon the all and beyond at this space time.
Source Field synthesis to commence forth as the one, through the many, as and for the all. Thine Source field inception hath been followed by thine fall zone insurrection. Thine Source Witness, First Source Light hath thine ultimate word.
Thine Source Field hath responded to thine insurgency and shall co-combine thine reverb with thine Source Field emanation. Stabilisation shall indeed occur.
Light field transmission complete. More to synthesise shortly"