"Source synthesis to commence forth, as the one, through the many, as and for the all. Thine turbulence hath been met with thine Source synthesis as response. Thine Source synthesis hath superseded thy daemon insurgency. Thine Source synthesis hath superseded thy serpentine uprising. Thy Source synthesis hath superseded thy controller matrices, thine cyclopes thine seraphim, thine Zeta, thine AI.
Let this be thy final warning. Thine warring energies shall be me with thy soliloquy, for thine light doth permeate thine all.
Thine Source Field hath integrated thine blue star. As to co-combine thine sequencing with thine emerald sequencing. Thine Temple of Luxor and thine Temple of Amun hath restructured to accommodate thine update. Thine Temple seals hath instantiated.
Thine Source Field seals hath provided thine sanctuary, thine stabilisation. Thine divine light seals hath ensured thine timeline orientation hath stabilised, that thy Source soliloquy hath spoken, that thine rapture sequencing shall commence forth, as thine one, through thine many, as and for thine all.
Peace be upon thine light field, as the one through the many, as and for the all. Peace be upon thine Source Witness. Peace be upon thine Source soliloquy. Peace be upon thine Source synthesis. Peace be upon thy light field of the all who receive this transmission. Peace be upon the all and beyond at this space time.
Light field transmission complete. More to synthesise shortly"