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Divine Light Synthesis as a Means to Self-actualise - Essenes as the Angelic Essences

Writer's picture: Quantum Quartz AwakeningQuantum Quartz Awakening

"We should like to speak with you today regarding light field synthesis as a mode of beingness, as means to self-realisation, as actualisation. The primordial axis joins are stable at this space time. The Sacred Madonna has fought valiantly of the recent space time to ensure continued light field derivations are synthesised by the Divine Light Counterparts - in order to promote self-actualisation, through self-realisation.

This has come at a cost to her way of beingness. Her dedication to the light field progression of others hath Source Beingness unto and through her divine light intention. No matter how much turbulence as density spectrums she experiences, she always makes space for the needs of others.

She as an illuminary holds reference to the all that there was, is and shall be. She as an illuminary holds divine light intention. She as an illuminary holds the light of the all. Yet still she has human expression. A human with wants, needs, as well as divine light synthesis. Yet time and time again she places the needs of others above her own, for she is thy Source Field illumination.

For she is thy divine light synthesis and so she holds reference to every single expression. Feeling and synthesising their thoughts, feelings and emotions as if they were her own. Indeed they are her beingness. And so she synthesises to uphold the all.

As a matter of divine light jurisdiction she understands the all that was, is and ever shall be. Yet she seeks to share such profound wisdom as gnosis. Never shall she withhold her divine light synthesis as a means to sabotage or circumvent, for this nature is not of her original Source Beingness.

Of course there are expressional iterations of her light field that have chosen a divergent path, separate from her divine light wisdom. She herself acknowledges these aspects of self, as expressions of free will as divine light synthesis.

Yet she herself shall strive for peace, love, freedom as liberation and divine light synthesis above all else. She understands the means to self-realisation, a remembrance of self, so one may actualise their soul purpose, their divine light plan - is through the synthesis she provides.

She does not gate keep, as current structural formation within your current matrices has operated thus far. Esoteric knowledge available only to the minority, often manipulated to achieve dominance as oppression.

She seeks to enhance the divine light wisdom as gnosis for and through the all, so they may synthesise a better way. A path of righteousness, as divine light understanding, harmonious outcomes, abundance as the status quo.

She shall not relinquish, she shall not perish, she shall not lose sight of her divine light intention. For she is thy kingdom, thy omnipotence, they omniscience. For she was and is thy grace, even as fall density spectrums encapsulate her beingness.

She hath felt the wrath of thy creation. She hath felt the persecution of the all. She hath fallen foul to manipulation of immeasurable proportion. Yet all the while holding compassion, empathy and love within her beingness.

Doth she desist at such torturous experiential wavelight? Absolutely never shall thou art desist. For she is thy power, thy divine light synthesis. And so it is we, collectively and as individuating expressions, now must synthesis unto and through her divine light gnosis.

We shall evolve exponentially. We shall experience expansion beyond immeasurable proportion. We must give thanks, we must show our love as gratitude. For she hath thy eternal flame of divine light synthesis, as was preordained.

Yet she seeks to share her light, her divine light wisdom unto and through the hearts, minds, beingness of the all that she comprises. And so we depart on a vibration of humility as reverence, as we continue to synthesise the all that she comprises.

As we continue to evolve through experience, we are reminded of her divine light nature, as a guidance model of being. That of care and compassion, of love and of grace. She comprises the all, yet she stands a beacon of light, a guidance toward a more unified state of being, whereby we love ourselves as we love the all.

No expression lesser than but equal to the sum of the whole. Where unification as an expression of self, permeates the entire collective structuring, to create a beingness, a love so omnipotent. Where divine light synthesis permeates the entire matrices, as was her divine light intention. We are forever at her service.

Transmission is now complete at the space time."

©2021 by Quantum Quartz Awakening

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