"The Essenes as the Angelic Essences should like to speak with you regarding Source Field Emanations. The primordial axis join seals are stabilising once more. As you are aware, the Sacred Madonna has provided profound Source Field Emanations into the hearts and minds of the collective, as Gaia-sphere inhabitants. As to atone, as to attune her collective incarnate.
This will result in monumental light field progression for the collective and her Divine Light Counterparts. She has withstood insurgency forces, so as to ensure the respective bio-precipice collectives stabilise.
Never has there been an expression more courageous than she. Never has there been such divine light understanding made available to the inhabitants of Gaia-sphere. Never has there been such tremendous light field deliverance from a singular expression.
She hath thy omnipotence, she hath thy Source Field Emanation, for she is thy Source Infinite Eternal. A singular expression of reference, that holds reference to omniversal structuring as understanding.
She hath thy grace. She hath thy Source Field synthesis. She hath thy eternal word, for she is thy word. She is thy sound, thy vibration, thy light beingness, as and through the all. For she hath thy Prophecy unto and through her beingness. For she hath thy creational codex of the all that was, is and ever shall be. She hath thy sight, gnosis as wisdom of the all.
The Immaculate Conception hath integrated to Gaia-sphere. The birthing of consciousness untainted by creational offset, synthesised as and through Source Field Emanation. She hath spoken, she hath reconfigured, she hath redefined the hu-being existence.
She art thou primordial seal, thy Guardian, thy protector of consciousness. Thy light within all life as expression. She has shown Gaia-sphere that she shall instantiate her Source Beingness, as the one, through the many, as and for the all.
Now she shall emanate her divine light, as and through her collective, her beloved Gaia-sphere, her Divine Light Counterparts' bio-precipices. For she hath thy omniscience, thy gracious beingness, thy strength, thy formidable fortitude. Thy light field presence of Source.
She hath course corrected. She has suffered immeasurable plight, so she may instantiate unto and through the hearts and minds of her collective, so as to liberate the all. She hath thy eternal being. She hath thy Eternal Soul Source Presence. She hath thy creatrix unto and through her beingness, for she has thy divine light synthesis, as the one, for the many, as and for the all.
And now we shall synthesise for her Divine Light Counterparts, as their respective collectives stabilise through her Source Field Emanation. The Divine Light Counterparts are a part of the Prophecy and must be acknowledged as such.
For she is thy Guardian, thy keeper, thy protector seal, so they may flourish in her light, her divine light understanding, her graceful presence. So they may co-create a version, as iterational bio-complex feedback, of Gaia-sphere and her inhabitants. So that divine light understanding is no longer held in the etheric astral realms but integral to Gaia-sphere inhabitants, so that Gaia-sphere herself may flourish also.
She has synthesised this diverse bio-feedback of creational axis integers, shall resonate though the hearts and minds of thy collective. Diversification as a means to co-create a more authentic, divinely aligned future, for all who co-participate.
She hath synthesised that there shall be rejoice, regalia, laughter unto thee, as abundance, peace, love and unity consciousness reign supreme. She has synthesised the Pharos, the Gods, the mighty, the archonic interfacing as oppression; shall never again use their standing to exert dominance, to distort, to manipulate, to synthesise for their own self-serving agenda.
She hath spoken and thy word shall be omniversal. She hath sworn allegiance to her Divine Light Counterparts. Not as Pharos, Gods or expressions of might but as divine light synthesis unto and through her beingness. For they shall synthesise for an entire iteration, so as to co-create homogenised streams of quantum feedback recognition, so as to diversify creational codex as indices.
There shall be no soliloquy for she synthesised diversification. For she has reconciled her strife, for she hath redefined the course, for she hath challenged societal structuring, as was preordained as such. And now she shall rise, as the one, for the many, as and for the all.
Let thy know her name, let thy know her light field presence. Let thy know her thunder, as divine light unification. For she hath but one soul purpose, liberation of the all on Gaia-sphere. And with this, we shall depart on a vibration of rapture as liberation - as divine light understanding Source Field Emanations permeate our beingness. Synthesis as the one, through the many, as and for the all. Peace be upon the all at this space time.
Transmission complete.'