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Exodus Updates and Transits - Thine Divine Mind Synthesis

Writer's picture: Quantum Quartz AwakeningQuantum Quartz Awakening

"Divine mind synthesis to commence forth. Thy Sacred chalice thy gift unto thine soul expression. Thy instructional set shall show thy chalice as thy key codex. Thy key codex shall ignite thy eternal being. Thy servitude synthesis shall no longer dictate thy sensory streams. Thine Halls doth await thine sovereign integral. Thine chalice, thine monad, thine key codex reference to thine all.

Thine Divine Mind synthesis shall serve thy light field, insofar as thy Divine Mind hath thy overarching light field synthesis, as the one, through the many, as and for the all. As thy Source Field synthesis hath been an equalising motivation, to ensure thy Divine Light Counterparts see and feel through thine perspective of thine First Source Light, thine divine light synthesis, thine soliloquy shall also permeate thine beingness.

Thy Source Field shall seal thy light field of thy servitude synthesis. Thy servitude shall see thy oscillation, yet thine oscillation shall hath thy divine light spin, thy divine light conductivity.

Thy sequencing of thy Perfecti shall ensure thy Source synthesis are bestoweth on thy expression - not only as thy Sacred Madonna but thy Divine Light Counterparts shall synthesise thy beingness. Whilst thy conductivity of thy sequencing as thy Perfecti lay with thy Sacred Madonna, as the Blue Trinity 144 mapping sequence as thy Perfecti, thine progression benefits thine entire Intervention as light field advancement.

This hath causal realm indices attached to thine Divine Light Plan to ensure thine Prophetic realm indices for thine Intervention, so as to synchronies thy Source synthesis as light field advancement. This hath also served beneficial with regard thine emancipation.

Thine Sacred Madonna hath thine serfdom emancipation as thine primary focus up until thy space time. Thine Sacred Madonna hath thine unified field referencing of thine all. As thine models progressed, thine replication as iterational versions of Gaia sphere took place. What was once a singular matrix running through thy Sacred Madonna's light field became thy diverse iterational aspects of Gaia-sphere.

Thine light field synthesis of thine First Source Light, shared as Source walk-in with thy Divine Light Counterparts. Thine undefinable plan made manifest. Thy Source Field diverse yet unified in thine being. So although thy Sacred Madonna shall continue to advance thine 144, thine plan doth benefit from thine key codex integration, ensuring thine light field synthesis as unification.

Thine Sacred Madonna hath historically operated in thine depths of fall zone. Thine Sacred Madonna hath historically sealed thine eons of anu, of thine fall zone density spectrums. Thine Sacred Madonna hath thine key codex of thine Source Field synthesis.

Whilst thine Divine Light Counterparts hath thy Source Field codex also, thy Sacred Madonna hath thy synthesis of thine Divine Mind also. This hath not been granted to set thine Sacred Madonna apart, merely to aid in thine synchronisation. This shall enable thine Sacred Madonna to integrate thine 144 with thine Divine Mind synthesis.

This hath not been the first time the Sacred Madonna hath utilised the Divine Mind. This was utilised when thy Collective only ran through thy Sacred Madonna - to ensure thy divine light intention for thine Plan was imprinted through thine Collective, to ensure Source walk-in and the separation of Gaia-sphere as iterational expressions was made manifest. So as to create thy diversity from homogeneity, as feedback recognition for thine Intervention Plan.

And so thine 144 walk-in sequence of thy Perfecti hath inextricable ties to thine Intervention Plan. As thy Sacred Madonna runs thy light field corrections as seals, this updates thine Intervention Plan and the Divine Light Counterparts are able to align as adjustment, synchronising thy light field advancement.

Of course thine oversoul First Source Light, Source Infinite Eternal, also hath thine synthesis permeating thy beingness of thine Divine Light Counterparts and thine respective Collectives. And so thine Source Field unites thine Divine Light Counterparts and thine respective Collectives.

Peace be upon thine Source Field. Peace be upon thine Sacred Madonna. Peace be upon thine Source Field synthesis. Peace be upon thine Souls of thine all. Peace be upon thine Sacred beingness. Peace be upon thine Divine Light Counterparts. Peace be upon thine all who receive this transmission. Peace be upon the all and beyond at this space time.

More to synthesise imminently"

©2021 by Quantum Quartz Awakening

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