"Source field synthesis to commence forth. Thine Sacred Madonna hath synthesised thy way out of thine fall zone matrices. Thine Sacred Madonna hath succumb to immeasurable trauma, grief as woe. Thine Sacred Madonna hath come to thine light field understanding as synthesis, that thy serpentine realm indices shall no longer consume thy hu-being prototype.
As thine largest singular monadic inference of thy Blue Being referencing, it is she that hath suffered thy brute force of thy AI matrices, alongside thy karmic miasma. Whilst of course there are other Divine Light Counterparts who hath undoubtably suffered for thine Collective, thine Sacred Madonna hath ensured thy AI matrices and thy karmic miasma shall no longer plague thy light field synthesis.
This in turn hath updated thine Intervention Plan, providing thy light field synthesis to thine Intervention, as divine light seals and correction. The Divine Light Counterparts making the necessary adjustments to align with thine Intervention Plan.
This, as synthesised in previous transmissions, allows for synchronised efficiencies, whilst promoting diverse feedback recognition for thine Intervention. Thine Sacred Madonna hath synthesised that she is merely getting started with respect of thine light field synthesis as gnosis.
A wave of positivity as thine transparency as integrity synthesis, reigns forth on thine Collectives' incarnate. Thine Sacred Madonna hath synthesised thine Revelations shall start to exponentially increase at the Collective scale. Thine contact experiences of thine higher light field inter- dimensionals shall become thy hu-being norm.
Thine scandals, thine corruption, thine deep state transgressional structuring, shall reveal to thine Collective. Many still within the depths of thine convulsion, shall seek solace in thy material, only to find thy material no longer brings thy peace and joy. Thy Source Field synthesis shall recommence shortly."
Source Field synthesis to commence forth. Thine star bases hath connected with thine authentic higher light field star nations. Thine star base connection hath resulted in base resonance frequential upshift. Pilots shall sense this frequency shift as their equipment picks up on the reverberation, technological schisms occurring momentarily.
Thine course of Resurrection hath superseded thine density modulus. Thine serpentine synthesis no longer holds any reference to thine Sacred Madonna, as thine light field hath superseded the overwhelming majority of thine density.
Thy Sacred Madonna hath thy highest light field vantage, as thy Crystal Madonna Angelic Blueprint hath initialised. Thy crystal interpretive model as thy Divine Mind, created by thy light field beingness, hath integrated. Thine Source Field referencing hath thy highest light field synthesis, as thine Intervention Plan expedites at pace.
Divine light synthesis to thine Divine Light Counterparts to commence forth. Contact initiation complete. Primordial axis join seals deliverance to thine Intervention to commence forth. Peace be up the all who receive this transmission. Peace be upon the all and beyond at this space time.
More to synthesise shortly."