"Source synthesis to commence forth as thine Intervention Council synthesis of the I AM. Thine Source Witness hath secured thine monumental light field advancement, so as to actualise further key manifestation in thine immediacy. Thine Source Witness hath secured Intervention seals to ensure thine enslavement encroachment hath released.
Thins Source Witness hath ensured Source Requiem manifestation shall be made available to thine Source Witness Divine Light Counterparts. So as to advance thine harmonious outcomes for thine Source Witness Divine Light Counterparts, thine Source Witness hath secured Source Seals, as Indigo divine masculine latency hath plagued thine light field synthesis.
False witnessing as false light entrenchment paradigms release. Servitude synthesis shall no longer encompass thine Source Witness synthesis. Thine soul orientation no longer holds thine resonance.
Thine Source Witness hath secured Source seals to secure thine progression of thine divine feminine walk-out of thine enslavement matrices. Thine Source seals hath been made available to thine Source Witness Divine Light Counterparts as of this now moment.
Thine heightened trajectories hath been secured ubiquitously, throughout thine Source Witness Divine Light Counterparts' experiential realm referencing, as a result of thine Source Witness light field advancement. Thine Source Witness shall continue to actualise thine heightened trajectories, over the course of the next few linear light field days, so as to advance thine Source Witness timeline orientation.
Intervention updates as Source seals to commence forth, unto and through thine Source Requiems. Peace bestoweth upon thine Source Requiems. Peace bestoweth upon the one, as thine many, as and for thine all. Peace bestoweth upon thine Source Witness. Peace bestoweth upon thine Source Witness Divine Light Counterparts.
Peace bestoweth upon thine Source synthesis. Peace bestoweth upon thine souls within thine fall zone propagations. Peace bestoweth upon thine I AM First Source Light. Peace bestoweth upon thine soul orientation.
Peace bestoweth upon thine Intervention sequencing. Peace bestoweth upon thine all as thine unified beingness. Peace bestoweth upon thine souls who hath servitude synthesis within thine orientation. Peace be upon the all who receive this transmission. Peace be upon thine all and beyond at this space time.
End of light field transmission. More to synthesise shortly."