"Ascended Masters are souls of exquisite beingness. These are souls that have transcended the lower density ranges, ascending with dignity and grace. Insofar as above all else they have been selfless and of service. They have recognised the intrinsic value of self-worth and the worth of another.
They have sort to befriend all in need of assistance via their mission work in many different ranges and realms of existence. They seek to achieve harmonious outcomes for all, in doing so forgoing their own harmonious experience.
They are at one with universal structuring, as they embody the all that is and was (in a linear sense). They are the keepers of knowledge and wisdom codex, trusted to hold such sacred gnosis, honoured by which to do so.
They are inherently guided by Source consciousness and seen to take on the most difficult lives through their mission work. They are creator beings who by their very nature, catalyse and drive enormous monumental change.
They seek to atone and attune for the collective in which they incarnate. They seek to assimilate to higher states of consciousness to drive the change; never through force or the oppression of others.
As an Ascended Master, the soul has an ascension path much differing to the general populous, collective incarnate. For they are the ones driving the change at the astral level, often across entire civilisations and collectives incarnate.
They are the keepers of wisdom, the catalyst for change. They are the beacon of hope amongst the density. They are the guardians of their generation. They are strong, they are fierce, they are unwavering in their connection. They are committed to the cause above all else; to ensure the growth expansion and liberation of their collective incarnate.
They are the key to universal understanding, whilst incarnated for their collective. Bringing forward truths of divine light origin, untainted by greed, personal gain or distortion. They are the chosen ones, proven in many lifetimes over that they will deliver on their promise of peace, of divine unity, of equality for all.
They are here now and will be presenting themselves in the collective in the coming linear years. As you are aware, prompting monumental shifts in consciousness for the entire collective incarnate.
The second coming is not only upon us, it is indeed already here. A story unfolding as we relay this transmission. And so we depart on a vibration of hope, of enlightenment, of peace, love, joy and divine unity consciousness.
End of Transmission"
As a vibrational transmission a moments focus to feel the energy, slowly deep breathing into it. You may feel an encapsulation of energy swirling around your heart space. Having gratitude for all that is, a sense of divine connection, as the energy grows stronger, enveloping your beingness.
A transmission that came through to me whilst pondering divine wisdom on this Earthly plane of existence. The ancient scriptures all speak of divinity, of ancient wisdom, of miraculous way showers and seers. These archetypes and key political figures all have one thing in common; a selfless beingness, a commitment to a cause much greater than themselves.
A relentless pursuit of equality, of justice as peace, of divine unity consciousness and understanding. These souls are of course Ascended Masters. Incarnate for the soul purpose of spiritual mission to create monumental change.
At the time of Christ an awakening was happening. The Apostles and others across religion; Ascended Masters here to elevate consciousness and liberate from oppression. Their divine light channelled wisdom, the basis for the scriptures we know of today.
Of course many, if not all of these scriptures now carrying distortion. Designed to instil fear, 'do not disobey, heed our warning'. The beauty of the energetics, the original word, overlaid with dense energetics and coding. Designed to confuse, create doubt and question the intentions of the divine light beings who brought the sacred gnosis through.
Personally, growing up with dual heritage, I questioned all religion. Whilst I believed in the soul, a connected unifying divine energy that was Source, something felt off. The control, the conflict, the inconsistent energies that presented in scriptures. For many years I called myself agnostic, as I made sense of the inconsistencies and contradiction.
Now of course, I'm all too aware of the basis for my hesitancy. Nevertheless, in awe of the inconceivable beauty, as the true nature of reality reveals to us. The further we walk the ascension path, the clearer our lens of perception.
And so it is time, the second coming. A soul who will end all oppression, a soul that will liberate all. A call for justice - as peace, divine light understanding and unconditional love! This soul, aided by the Ascended Masters throughout the ages, will awaken the entire collective; the Legions and Families of Light unite. The Christed light is here. The soul to liberate all is indeed amongst us, also incarnate at this space time. The soul the ancient Essenes called 'the One', working through the many, as and for the all.