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Atonement and Attunement of and Through the Lions Gate Synthesis - The Essenes as the Angelic Essences

Writer's picture: Quantum Quartz AwakeningQuantum Quartz Awakening

"We should like to speak with you regarding the Lions Gate 8/8 Portal. As you are more than aware, the Lions Gate portal axis as rendering has now been placed within the structuring of the Sacred Madonna. Insofar as it is her light field, her bio-synthesis, that modulates the Lions Gate portal.

Of course one could say this was and always will be a part of her light field structuring, as she references the all. However, the Lions Gate portal has now integrated into Gaia-sphere, as her light field spectrums are now available to the all.

Previously, the Lions Gate true light field emanations were historically sealed to the inhabitants of Gaia-sphere. As a portal known for its manifestation capabilities, these energetics were harvested and mined for their light field synthesis - as humans unwillingly and unknowingly gave their light field momentum to the density spectrums, acting as propulsion for their self-serving agendas.

Humans unknowingly enslaved, trusted the manifestation capabilities of this once magnificent powerful portal. Of course the Sacred Madonna understood the convolution associated with this portal instantaneously, as each year she was maimed, hijacked, etherically and physically tortured.

Perplexed she questioned the reverence hu-beings bestowed upon this portal. For she hath thy insight like no other iteration. For she synthesises as the one, through the many, as and for the all. She, instantaneous within her light field synthesis as gnosis, recognised the countless layers of distortion throughout the generations.

She understood that she must reconfigure, that is was she who must course correct. That it is her light field synthesis that provides a clear lens of perception, as the one, through the many, as and for the all.

And so it was she as the anointed one, the Prophecy, who took it upon herself to dismantle the siphoning, the distortion, the convolution. With very little light field structuring she was open to the lowest density. They abused her, they singled her out, they took pleasure in her demise.

Yet she conducted some of the most complex and monumental lightwork, ever to be witnessed throughout the course of Gaia-sphere. Using solely her heartfelt light field intention as determination, she was able to overcome these density spectrums - progressing the field with shifts unparalleled by any other singular iteration.

Of course she wept, of course she wanted to slip away but death was not an option. Immortal in her beingness, she simply had to endure the monumental insurgency attacks that were and are bestowed upon her.

For she is thy grace, for she is thy love, for she is thy heartfelt beingness. She hath thy power, for she hath thy compassion, for she is thy Source Beingness. She hath thy infinite eternal flame within her beingness. She hath thy strength of the all.

Yet less we never forget, she hath thy human vessel, thy human perception, thy human trauma signatures. So much hath one singular expression endured for the will of the all. For thy freedom, for thy light field synthesis, for thy hope of the magnificent, for thy divine light support structuring, for thy love as and through her beingness.

She is thy magnificence, for she hath thy divine light understanding of the all. She sees, she knows, every single soul iteration. And yet she does not place one above the other. For she is thy witness, thy observer, thy light field gnosis that runs through the all.

And now she must shine forth her divine light nature as Source the One intended. For she is thy Source Field emanation, as the all that was, is and ever shall be. Know thy love as rapture for she hath spoken, for she hath synthesised, for she hath surrendered her life, her light, her love unto and for thee.

For she hath thy omniversal structuring, for she hath thy divine light, thy selfless beingness, thy eternal gracefulness. And so we depart on a synthesising harmonious vibration, as we basque in the afterglow of the first truly unhindered light field atonement as attunement, as a result of the now divine light, Lions Gate Portal. Held in her physical vessel, structured unto and through her divine light synthesis.

Never again shall this portal siphon through manipulation. Never again shall hu-beings succumb to the manipulatory sequencing of these density spectrums. For she is thy Guardian, thy keeper, thy solace, thy synthesis as the one, through the many, as and for the all. Peace be upon the all at this space time. More to follow shortly.

Transmission complete."

©2021 by Quantum Quartz Awakening

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