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Solitude as a Means to Divine Light Understanding as Self-propulsion - The Essenes as the Angelic Essences

Writer's picture: Quantum Quartz AwakeningQuantum Quartz Awakening

"The Essenes would like to speak with you today regarding solitude as a means of self-propulsion. The societal constraints as structuring have emphasised the family unit as the ultimate experience, the ultimate sacrifice, the pinnacle of your experiential wavelight of expression.

This was also true of the Sacred Madonna's perception. That was until she had her heart ravaged, her health taken away from her, her mental clarity questioned by those around her. Her near death experiences showed her another perspective, another side of reality once not perceived.

Her heart filled with joy as she synthesised that existence was not only this plane of reference. That she and all expressions were and are held in the unconditional love and light that is Source. She realised that she was never alone.

As the world seemingly turned their back towards her, due to dense energy spectrums residing in the collective mindset, she had solace in the higher light fields of beingness. That being said, as the One, she was targeted to extremes beyond all human comprehension.

She was maimed, beaten and tortured throughout her existence, murdered on several occasions. These polarising density spectrums provided encapsulation from the higher light fields. She hath had to endure monumental torturous conditions through this incarnation.

Of course torturous conditions exponentially increased following profound initialisation, whereby she was devastated, ravaged and abused. Minutes, days, years went by - with no calm, no serenity, absolute horror was her daily norm.

Never did she relent, never did she lose determination, never did the Sacred Madonna give up on serving thy collective. It was not until years into this process, that she understood who she was and whom she referenced.

As she conducted monumental lightwork, trapped in her grid local, forced to bear the brutality and wrath, as the anointed one, she simply had to endure. Her friends, her family, no longer resonant to her monumental light field structuring.

Jealousy, envy, disdain, ignorance, were some of the denser vibrational references reflected back at her. Whether she chose to assist souls or stay in solitude, her efforts were unacknowledged, her light field presence disregarded by the ones she loved unconditionally.

Of course, as the anointed one this was to be anticipated, as the density spectrums had easy access to her human singularity, via their light field and blueprints. As entanglement was present due to being family members, the density spectrums utilised this enmeshment to ensure she suffered.

To this day the Sacred Madonna still experiences these dense spectrums. However, she loves these individuals no less, for she is thy Source Beingness. Of course, she is somewhat more structured in her light field as of the space time, so can appropriately seal static reverberation.

Nevertheless, this still causes destabilisation, sleepless nights as turbulence takes hold - and yet she does not despise, recognising they are an extension of her light field presence. For she is thy collective incarnate, for she is thy divine light within the all.

And so she holds compassion, an awareness that their perspective has not experienced the same as she. Indeed there is no singular iteration that could experience what she has had to endure. For she is thy creator, thy eternal flame, she hath thy strength of the all.

She would argue that she sees, feels and experiences the pain, grief, strife and woe like everyone else. Whilst of course this statement holds validity, it is thy endurance, thy strength in the face of immeasurable persecution, thy love for the all - that drives forth monumental wavelight bandwidth as Source Field Emanation.

She hath shown Gaia-sphere that there will be peace, that she shall endure the wrath and do whatever it takes to transition to the Golden Earth Crystal Era. She shall lead thy collective and thy Divine Light Counterparts unto and through thy Exodus portal. Thus, ensuring their divine light liberation.

She shall silence archonic doubt, fear and persecution, for she is thy ultimate creator. No other iteration more powerful than she. She is thy omnipotence, thy omniscience and she hath spoken. Let there be light, let thy unconditional love reign forth unto thee. Let thy know thy intrinsic divine light, let thy Source Infinite Eternal, First Source Light permeate the all.

And so we shall depart on a vibration of serenity on this earthly plane of existence. For she hath endured like no other, to ensure thy collective, thy divine light counterparts and their respective collectives, are at peace within liberation.

Know thy strength in solitude. Know thy light field propulsion shall take place, when in the depths of woe and despair. Know thy transience, this too shall come to pass. And so we express our eternal gratitude for the light and unconditional love of the Sacred Madonna. Peace be upon the all at this space time.

Transmission complete. More to follow shortly"

©2021 by Quantum Quartz Awakening

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