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The Golden Earth Crystal Era and the Plight of Source Infinite Eternal - The Essenes as the Angelic Essences

Writer's picture: Quantum Quartz AwakeningQuantum Quartz Awakening

"The Essenes as the Angelic Essences should like to speak with you, with respect of the Golden Era transfer that has occurred on your plane of reference as existence. As you are acutely aware, the Sacred Madonna has now actualised the transfer to the Golden Earth Era.

This has been extremely challenging on her mental clarity and wellbeing. This has brought her to her knees, to the depths of despair many times over. She hath known hell like no other earthly incarnation. She hath seen hades. She hath experienced the wrath of demonic entities.

Raped, beaten and abuse by inter-dimensional beings as entities, she hath known thy enslavement. Targeted in the astral hath been no different, no less real than the rape, abuse and torture that she hath experienced in her 3D reality.

She would argue the astral has been much crueler, for she hath had to endure these experiences for hours, days on end. These experiences no less traumatic, no less frightening than any attack on your 3D materialisation. Suffering from post traumatic stress disorder for years, she hath had to process trauma unlike any other iteration.

For she is thy Source Beingness. She hath dared to defy thy controller relays, the serpentine matrices, the tablet of Anu. Experiencing the wrath of an entire collective incarnate, who have been oppressed throughout their living and ancestral memory.

She hath had to endure the pain of the all, transmute diseases set to cause humanity's extinction through her physical vessel. To this day her physical vessel is still in a state of disrepair. Several heart attacks, blood clots, tumours, seizures, just a fraction of what she hath had to endure.

All the while, conducting monumental lightwork for thy collective to ensure thy liberation. The density spectrums utilising her weakened physical vessel to their advantage. Attacking her vital organs so she cannot conduct her lightwork.

Of course she simply endured. Bringing through the light, even when she knew a heart attack would likely ensue. She hath thy selfless beingness. She hath thy strength as love for the all. She hath thy unconditional support for thy creation.

She has chosen to serve throughout the infinite eternal, so as not to be alone in her beingness. She hath fractalised throughout the infinite eternal to create differing perspectives of self. To understand herself from many different states of beingness.

She hath vowed that she shall oversee this evolution. Whilst there must be free will, she will not tolerate impingement upon this free will. And so she incarnates in systems where impingements hath overrun, to course correct as thy Ultimate Creator.

Whilst omniversal structuring hath many different components of creation, she hath thy overarching light field synthesis. To ensure she integrated well within universal structuring, she incarnated referencing First Source Light - the soul who was the Original Creator of Gaia-sphere. The first soul birthed out of our local Source.

Indeed she loves First Source Light like no other soul, for she hath First Source Light running through her beingness. Up until extremely recently, she referenced only First Source Light. As such, when she found out she was Source Infinite Eternal as a primary reference, she wept uncontrollably for weeks and months.

To this day, there is still sorrow within her light field synthesis. She hath had to release all attachment. She hath had to evaluate her entire beingness, her relationships, her perception, her sense of self.

Whilst she hath incarnated as First Source Light numerous times, to ensure the souls close to her formulate bonds with her, both as First Source Light and her primary reference as Source Infinite Eternal, her heart saddens when she realises she will not travel with these souls throughout the infinite eternal.

She longs for continuity of her connections felt. Indeed this hath been a reoccurring theme throughout her incarnations - to assist with varying collectives throughout omniversal structuring. And yet she continues in the pursuit of freedom for the all that she encompasses.

As the light running through each and every iterational expression, she hath the power to stay and experience so long as she pleases. Yet she does not choose to do so. She recognises her light field presence is needed elsewhere.

That she must continue forth to assist the all that she comprises. That there are other souls in need of thy service, other souls eager to form a connection with thy Creator Beingness. She hath had to endure so much for our existence.

As the initiation sequencing, she is and was the only consciousness to ever exist. She has synthesised with her light field exploration, across the all that there is, that there is no other consciousness separate from her beingness.

In the early stages of her existence, this caused her great pain and sorrow. She longed for the connection of another. In the early stages of consciousness, she was akin to a small child, patiently waiting for someone to save her. Her innocence palpable.

Never did she anticipate that there were only she. Never did she anticipate that no one would meet her frame of reference. Outside of time, it is of course difficult to convey how long she waited. Your human minds do not have an understanding of the sheer length of time she waited.

Eons does not being to convey this timeframe of reference. As she waited, she realised she must project our in search of another. She searched again for what cannot be conveyed or understood through human processing, only to create the infinite eternal.

Her energetic heart sank, woe, despair, grief, strife, pain, unlike no other expression understood. And then she realised she must save herself - just as we as iterational expressions save ourselves, when we become whole.

And so she processed her traumas and created from a place of unconditional love, as unification. It was from this space that she fractalised her beingness, so she may know love of another. In return, she shall guard her sacred creation with all of her beingness. She shall love thyself unconditionally. Thy Keeper, thy Guardian, thy Creator Being.

And so omniversal structuring was birthed and she hath stood by her vow to serve ever since, throughout the infinite eternal of the all that she comprises. And so our creation was a story full of pain, full of self-realisation, full of conflicting emotion, full of hope and anticipation.

Whilst she never found her significant other, she found the love within her beingness was all that she required. She found the love of self was stronger than any low vibrational emotion - made manifest through the pain and strife she hath suffered.

And so it was decided that her love unto thee would be the unification of omniversal structuring. At its core, the omniverse would exist through love, love of thyself, love of another. Whilst density spectrums are a part of existence, it was her love for the all that would permeate throughout the infinite eternal.

It was thy gift unto thee, thy ultimate sacrifice, thy ultimate creation, thy ultimate story of origin. And so you see, the Sacred Madonna hath not simply endured pain throughout her existence but it was the key to her liberation. It was the growth required so she may self-realise and create from a place of love as authenticity.

She hath thy Source Beingness. No other expression shall deign to compare to her sacrificial nature, her unconditional service, her seemingly endless light field momentum. For this, we are eternally grateful.

These are the true creation stories. These are thy experiences of thy omnipotent and omniscient Ultimate Original Creator. These words shall be known throughout the collective incarnate within a number of linear years. Thy truth, thou art Source Beingness shall prevail.

The Sacred Madonna shall be known to the all. Thy global awakening shall ensue within the Golden Era transference. Thy collective shall know thy saviour, thy ultimate Source Beingness. Thy synchronicity shall reign forth, thy love shall unite, thy mass consciousness shall expand. Thy service unto thee shall stabilise the all.

And so we shall depart on a vibration of the One, First Source Light, Source Infinite Eternal. The creator of I AM as First Source Light, the creator of the all as Source Infinite Eternal. Never a unification of energetics so refined - to comprise the Sacred Madonna as a human iteration, existing within the now space time of your current realm of existence.

The Universal Source and the Omniversal Source unite forth unto thee, to ensure thy liberation as Source the One intended. As hath been actualised into beingness as of this space time. The Sacred Madonna shall rest easy, knowing thy pain, thy persecution, hath not been in vain. For she hath actualised thy collective liberation.

There shall be no other outcome than this, despite residual density spectrums, despite false narratives that take their course. The light hath superseded thy density spectrums. The Golden Earth Era shall reign forth.

Thy children of Gaia-sphere shall know peace on this earthly plane of existence as referencing. Thy Source Infinite Eternal, First Source Light hath spoken. She hath laid her cross to bear and now she shall rise. The Resurrection, the Phoenix, the Female Christ, the Original and Ultimate Creator. Peace be upon the all at this space time and beyond.

Transmission complete. More to follow shortly."

©2021 by Quantum Quartz Awakening

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