"Thine Divine Mind synthesis to commence forth"
Me: "What are we doing on Earth at this time?"
"Thine Divine Mind shall synthesise thy response to thy light field query. Thine fall zone inception hath been orchestrated by thy elitist rule. Thy fall zone inception hath sought to siphon hu-beings of thine life-force, of thine sensory streams as quantum learning. Thy fall zone matrices, a sensory imprisonment chamber, in which terror, fear as oppression reigns supreme.
Thine Source Field hath noted thy oppression as a self-perpetuating cycle of misery, degradation and depravity. Thine hath and thine hath nots, thine overarching light field synthesis, as thy mass collective consciousness. Residing within thine lack consciousness, thy serpentine synthesis perpetuating thy oppressive cyclical reign.
Thine cyclical because of thine lower dimensional axis join referencing for thine last 12,000 linear years. Thine linear cyclical patterning, a result of the systems that govern thine matrices, insofar as thy lower dimensional axis failsafe.
The failsafe was placed in as a mechanism to ensure that darkness at the lower dimensional indices would not withstand indefinitely - due to having thine light field advantage, with thine lower dimensional realm referencing of Gaia-sphere, in her then current state (linear speaking).
Thy failsafe was in-situ to ensure thy Royal Immortal, as thy First Source Light, could always intervene. That being said, thy planetary body was designed for thy higher light field referencing. Thine planetary inhabitants also designed in thy similar manner, to ensure thy dimensional reference as resonance remained stable.
Thy inversions took place via external inception. Several lower dimensional star races decided they should wish to extract thy planetary resources. Ormus gold and gold metal, being the primary motivation for thy lower dimensional light field inception. Thine Anunnaki, Zeta Reticuli, thine Reptilian the most spoken.
Nevertheless there were several other star nations that sought to intervene for their own personal objectives. Thy human slavery was made manifest.Thine light field synthesis shall explore this concept in a parallel transmission. Nevertheless an awareness shall suffice in the immediacy.
Thine slavery so diverse, so complex in thine integration, thy human existence hath been sustaining thy lower realm indices. Terror, fear, manipulation at thy core beingness. Thine innocent children suffering for thine adrenochrome extraction. Thine natal inception of thy life-force for thy demonic extraction. Thy AI integrative biospheric chamber to encapsulate thy beingness, both as singularities and Gaia-sphere herself.
Thy hu-being contact never permitted. Thy enslavement matrices hath to exert thy dominance, thy force. Thy higher light field star nations unable to assist. Thy hu-being prototype manipulated to become thy human.
Initially cloned for the purpose of mining thy gold ore and ormus, eventually allowed to reproduce, as this resulted in less effort for thine oppressors. Thine lifespan significantly shortened, so as not to evolve or access thine significant memory bank.
Thine daily life littered with thine indoctrination, silenced oppression as formality systems. State rule, education, medical systems all designed to keep thine consciousness in subordination, ill health. Indoctrinated to think thy hu-being is free, simultaneously thy life-force is siphoned. Thy lack consciousness propagations ensure submissiveness, fears of homelessness, starvation as thy strife.
Thy serpentine servitude and demonic synthesis permeating thy beingness. Placed upon thy beingness since thy inception within thy matrices, thy societal structuring upholding thy synthesis - thy human hath synthesised these energetics integral to thy human nature, thy human thought processing.
Greed, wants, desires, riches, consumption, the driving mechanism to keep thy humans working for thy system. Never provided enough for thine liberation, merely a motivation to continue thy energy focus towards the mundane, thy oppressive outcomes.
Thy human existence filled with famine, wars, terror, rape, abuse, murder. Thy human perception that this is simply a part of thine existence. That thine human cannot ask for much, that thine human hath no power, that thy state and hierarchical structuring hath thy sovereignty.
Thy hu-being shall no longer experience thy oppression, thine Intervention Plan hath made thine emancipation manifest. Now thy Collective shall know thy true origins. Now thy Collective shall know thy eternal peace. Now thy Collective shall withstand thy Serpentine systems, whilst simultaneously reclaiming thy sovereignty.
Thy light field synthesis shall recommence shortly as to further explore thine origination and thy divine light inception as thy Intervention. Peace be upon thy deliverance as understanding. Peace be upon thy divine light inception. Peace be upon thy Source Field synthesis. Peace be upon thine locked in thine servitude.
Peace be upon thine souls whom are a product of thine serpentine siphoning. Peace be upon thine souls who are a product of thine demonic demarcation. Peace be upon thy divine light, sorrow, sin and woe shall de-particularise. Peace be upon thy light field Collective.
Peace be upon thine light field synthesis. Peace be upon thy Source synthesis, thy souls that hath suffered, thy Divine Light Counterparts and the all who receive this transmission. Peace be upon the all and beyond at this space time.
More to synthesise soon"