"Thine Source synthesis to commence forth as and of thine Divine Mind. Thine servitude hath no longer thine jurisdiction. Thine Course of Resurrection shall commence forth at thine exponential rate.
Thine serpentine energetics hath attempted to derail thy Exodus, through thy light field inception as manipulation. Whilst this hath resulted in additional recapitulation for a portion of thine light field Collective, thy demarcation hath indeed taken place.
Thy serpentine servitude shall not and cannot permeate thy beingness. Whilst thine Divine Light Counterparts shall still be releasing aspects of thine shadow serpentine recapitulation, they shall experience monumental light field propulsion. They shall co-exist within thine Divine Timeline.
For those who are not within thine baseline threshold, yet remain within thine divine light seals, they shall remain in thy buffer zone. Thy hope, thy light field soul plan, they shall transfer across in divine timing and alignment.
Thine souls that hath not made thine divine light seals, shall operate in thine fall zone - so they make seek to know their light field, so they may better understand thine distortion, so they may change thine perception. Know this, this hath not come about as a result of thine light field favouritism. Thine light field hath thine need to evolve, to expand thy conscious level awareness
Over the course of the next linear 18 months, thy fall zone amplification shall intensify. Thine causal referencing necessary to prompt thine light field awakening en masse. There shall be chaos, there shall be trauma, there shall be social restriction to certain groups of society.
There shall be much confusion as to what lies ahead on this turbulent timeline; but know this, thy Divine Timeline, thine peace will eventually prevail. Thine causal realm sequencing shall differ drastically from one timeline to thine other.
Thine primary light field reference of thine Exodus hath been thine Sacred Madonna, Blue Being, Earth realm model. Thine primary light reference, as a result of thy Collective field running only through thine light field of thine Sacred Madonna, up until extremely recently.
Thine servitude unlike no other, thine Sacred Madonna hath been persecuted throughout thy entire incarnation. Thine Sacred Madonna hath given thine light field, thine life, to ensure thy Exodus transit materialises.
Even to this day, this now moment, thine Sacred Madonna hath thine least peaceful experience of thine all. Insofar as it hath been her light field that hath taken thine largest sections of density to seal.
Of course there are those who might say thine Sacred Madonna references the all, hath the will of thine all, hath thine immortal beingness within thine human existence. Thine Source Field as thine Divine Mind synthesis would like to acknowledge thy struggles, thine trauma, thy brutality.
Indeed there is no other expression that deigns to compare, thy selfless beingness hath been immeasurable. Thine Source Field hath thine upmost respect for thine light field. Thine Sacred Madonna hath indeed been thy Oracle, thy Course of Miracles. Without thine light field amplification, thine Intervention would hath never succeeded.
That is not to say we dismiss thine tremendous intervention as effort of thine Source Field, thine Divine light Counterparts. Every divine light soul hath contributed thine unique signature, thine unique sequencing to thine emancipation. Thy Source Field recognises thy irreplaceable sequencing of each and every soul.
Thine Source synthesis shall recommence imminently. More to synthesise extremely soon but know this, thy Sacred Madonna hath ensured thy demarcation hath materialised, that thy peace shall reign supreme.
Thine Sacred Madonna hath indeed been thine shining light amongst the darkness. Thine beacon of light, love, empathy and compassion. She hath thy eternal gratitude of thy Source Field. Peace be upon thine light field of the one. Peace be upon thine light field as the one, through the many, as and for the all.
Peace be upon the all who receive this transmission. Peace be upon the all and beyond at this space time.
Transmission complete."