'Source Field synthesis shall commence forth. Thine sacred Source Field hath spoken. Thine purgatory hath drawn to thine conclusion. Thine sedentary synthesis hath been washed away with thine crystal waterbodies. Thine hope hath bestoweth upon thine horizon.
Thine sacred soliloquy hath thine undefinable cadence. Thine sacred light hath thine eternal flame bestoweth within thine light streams. Thine rapture sequencing hath thine indescribable sensory structuring.
Thine Crystal Isis, thine Sacred Madonna, thine Blue Being, hath circumvented thine chaos, thine destruction. She hath resurrected thine beingness from thine deepest and darkest servitude. She hath known thy hellish planes, she hath lived and breathed thy tyranny.
She hath served thine Collective, thine Intervention, thine Source Field. She hath thine grace, she hath thine wisdom. She hath thine light of thine all within thine referencing. She hath thy eternal Source molecular structuring. She hath thine ephemeral gaze, thy eternal beingness of thine kingdom.
Thine servitude hath washed away. Thine locks, seals, chains as bondage release. Thine Source Field shall guide thy light field emancipation. Thine Source Field hath spoken. As thy Exodus draws nigh, thy soliloquy shall chime. Thine sorrow shall slowly dissipate, as thine dawn emerges triumphantly.
Thine pain, thine victimisation, shall no longer hold thine resonance. Thine persecution thine distant memory. Thine Sacred Madonna hath given thine life for thine Exodus. Thine Sacred Madonna hath thine will of thine all. Thine Sacred Madonna hath sacrificed thine peace, love and happiness to ensure thine light field liberation.
Thine servitude synthesis plagued thine beingness, to oppress and prolong thine experiential wavelight density modulus. Thine Sacred Madonna, operating within thine darkest density spectrums, had no other option but to endure thine oppression. Thine Sacred Madonna hath fortified thine beingness, in doing so securing thine Exodus.
Thine Sacred Madonna hath suffered more so than any other expression. Indeed, thy Sacred Madonna hath suffered more so than thine Christ. Thine Sacred Madonna hath served thy Collective, thine Divine Light Counterparts, thine Intervention Plan.
Even to this day, this now moment, thy Sacred Madonna doth not truly embrace thy magnificence, thy brilliance. Thine recognition of thine self still hath thine distortion to release. Nevertheless, thine Source Field recognises thine brilliance, thine magnificence, thine beauty of thine light.
Thine cadence, thy soliloquy, thy harmonious symphonic chorus. Let thine rapture sequencing commence forth...
Thy sacred unification hath bestoweth upon thy grace. Thine crystal waterbodies bestoweth thine unification of thine beingness. Thine sacred unification shall reverberate through thine Collective, through thine Intervention. Thine sacred unification hath made manifest.
Peace be upon thine light field, as the one, through thine many, as and for thine all. Peace be upon thine all who receive this transmission. Peace be upon the all and beyond at this space time.
End of Transmission. More to synthesise shortly."