"Thy Source synthesis to commence forth. Thy Sacred Madonna hath no longer the need to understand the light field of thy dumerage manipulation. The Sacred Madonna hath succeeded in traversing thy enmeshment. As the dumerage synthesises they still have thine inroad, thy Sacred Madonna curbs thy thought processing instantaneously.
She hath recognised thy interface, once a warren of complexity, as thy superficial simplistic beingness, that feeds off thy light field as oppressive manipulation. Thy sacred synthesis shall reverberate through thy collective, through thy Divine Light Counterparts respective precipices. Thy Source Field Synthesis as deliverance commences forth.
Thy dumerage hath thy serpentine synthesis, so hath thy elitist corporate structuring. Thy elitist corporate rule hath no longer thine jurisdiction. Thy model shall collapse. Thy power structures shall perish. Thy synthesis shall no longer resonate. Thy synthesis no longer holds thy jurisdiction.
Let this be thine warning, thy light synthesis doth prevail. Thy serpentine matrices no longer hath thine stronghold. Thy Kingdom shall reign forth thy light synthesis, unto and through thee. Thy perception hath reorientated.
Thy synchronicity shall ensure miraculous events. Thy global stage shall ignite, as thy undulation as emanation reigns forth. Thy crystal consciousness doth hath thy divine light understanding. Thy crystal consciousness doth facilitate thy unification.
Thy emancipation hath self-actualised, self realised unto and through thy Sacred Madonna. Thy light field shall know thy liberation. Thy Divine Light Counterparts shall know thy liberation. Thy respective Collectives shall know thy liberation. Thy change progression of monumental proportion doth and hath occurred.
Thy light field holds thy jurisdiction. Thy serpentine synthesis hath been thine downfall and thine overcoming it, thine strength. Know this, thy light field synthesis shall permeate the all. The divine light synthesis hath thy divine light natures. Thy divine light synthesis hath thy intrinsic worth, thy intrinsic beingness.
Thy sacred gnosis shall reign forth unto and through thy Divine Light Counterparts at this space time. Peace be upon thine light field. Peace be upon thine synthesis. Peace be upon thine Collective. Peace be upon the all who read this transmission. Peace be upon the all at this space time.
Transmission complete. More to synthesise soon."