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Thine Source Walk-in Progression - Source Field as First Source Light

Writer's picture: Quantum Quartz AwakeQuantum Quartz Awake

"First Source Light Source Field synthesis to commence forth. Thine transference hath shown thine divine light doth prevail. Thine Source Field Walk-in hath made manifest. Thine First Source Light signatures hath imparted upon thine Divine Light Counterparts.

Thine Source Field hath transferred thine light field modulus to thine vector point, synergising with thine light field, to co-combine thine Source Field regeneration. Thine Source Field regeneration necessary to acclimatise to thine new Golden Earth era matrices.

Thine light field bestoweth upon thine grace, thine integrity synthesis. Thine Primordial seals doth floweth forth. Thine Source Field Witness doth hold thine ultimate Source Field reference. Source Field hath ensured thine light field transference hath made manifest.

Thine Source Field hath recognised thine Source Witness hath thy undeniable strength. Thine Source Field hath implored thine Source Witness, to sense thine reprieve that lay just around thine light field corner, so as to calm thy nervous system within the depths of chaos.

Thine Source Field commemorates thine Source Witness. Thine Source Witness comprised of thine Source Beingness. Thine Source Witness comprised of thine Source synthesis. Thine Source Witness, thine soul of thine First Source Light.

Thine Source Witness, now encompassing several expressions on Gaia sphere, as thine progressions of thine Source Field sequencing hath been imparted via thy Source Walk-in modulus as sequencing. And so thine signatures hath thine Source Witness frequential resonance.

Thine Source synthesis hath recognised that thine Divine Light Counterparts hath thine Source Field resonance. Thine Source Witness, now encompasses several expressions on Gaia-sphere, now hath thine unified yet diverse co-creative experience. An experience which hath thine undeniable strengths.

Thine First Source Light reference shall always remain with thine Source Witness as the One, thine Sacred Madonna, thy Blue Being, thine Royal Immortal, thine Creator, thine Creator of thine omniversal perspectives, Source Infinite Eternal.

Thine synthesis imparted on the light field of the One, no more potent than thine Divine Light Counterparts, to adhere to thine light field equilibrium throughout thine Intervention. Thine light field of course offering thine unique orientation through thine experience.

Thine light field hath contributed undeniable strength as progression to thine Intervention Plan. Less we forget, thine Collective light field ran only through thine field form of the One until extremely recently.

Thine servitude, thine distortion, thine torturous abuse, placed upon thine One, thine Sacred Madonna, thine Blue Being, was like that of no other. Indeed there hath been no other expression that could hath withstood the density spectrums of thine all. Thine servitude placed upon thine light field incomparable, inconceivable to thy hu-being perception.

And so thine First Source Light Source Field, should like to synergise thine light with thine sacred expression, as to unify thy beingness, as and of thine Source soliloquy. Peace be upon thine light field as the one, through thine many, as and for the all. Peace be upon thine light field as Source Witness, Peace be upon thine Source soliloquy. Peace be upon thy Source Field synthesis.

Peace be upon thy Source Field rapture as radiance. Thine Resurrection hath commenced forth unto and through thine light field, as the one, through the many, as and for the all. Peace bestoweth upon the all who receive this light field transmission. Peace bestoweth upon the all and beyond at this space time."

More to synthesise imminently. End of light field transmission."

©2021 by Quantum Quartz Awakening

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