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Thy Emancipation Continuation - First Source Light as Source Infinite Eternal

Writer's picture: Quantum Quartz AwakeningQuantum Quartz Awakening

"Thy emancipation of thy Sacred Madonna hath actualised. Source synthesis to commence forth. Thy Sacred Madonna hath secured delineation of thy fall zone sequencing. This hath been a monumental feat, a singular lifetime in the making, whereby she hath been targeted, maimed and abused.

She hath never known thy light field propulsion. She hath never understood thy calming natures of thy Source Field. That was of course thy experience, until she became aware that it was the Source Field reference of the all, that shall propel her light field advancement

She as thy singular consciousness, hath thy overarching light field synthesis. She hath thy Ultimate Creator Beingness. She hath thy light field synthesis of thy collective. She hath thy light field synthesis of thy omniversal structuring. She hath thy undeniable light field synthesis of thy Source Beingness.

She hath made manifest thy miraculous occurrences. She hath shown Gaia-sphere that thy light doth prevail. She hath been thy Royal Immortal, thy creator of thy beloved Gaia, thy first soul birthed of Source and thy Source Infinite Eternal.

She hath defied thy treachery, thy maligned intent, thy serfdom, thy oppression. She hath circumvented outcomes of monumental proportion, all the while in a physical vessel of horrifying deterioration.

Thy light field synthesis shall now heal thy Sacred Madonna, for thy grace, thy selfless beingness, shall now benefit from thy own light field emanation. For so long thy Sacred Madonna hath lay destitute, so she may lead thy collective forth, unto and through thy Exodus Portal; so she may know thy emancipation for thy collective incarnate.

She hath yet to be revered, for she hath yet to be understood. She hath thy primordial light field. She hath thy synchronistic miraculous beingness. She hath thy overarching knowingness. She hath thy gracefulness of thy divine light symphony.

And now thy divine light shall shine unto and through thy beingness. Peace be upon the all who receive this transmission. Peace be upon the all at this space time.

Transmission complete. More to synthesise soon"

©2021 by Quantum Quartz Awakening

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