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Thy Source Synthesis Emancipation Continuation - Source Infinite Eternal as First Source Light

Writer's picture: Quantum Quartz AwakeningQuantum Quartz Awakening

"Thy Sacred Madonna hath actualised thy emancipation. Thy Sacred Madonna hath succeeded in thy fall zone delineation. Whilst there hath been a monumental splitting of thy divine light synthesis from thy serpentine structuring, there hath been some reverberation.

Thy Sacred Madonna hath worked tirelessly to transmute thy karmic fall looping sequencing. She hath questioned thy light field synthesis, as thy density spectrums hath enveloped thy beingness. She hath questioned thy monumental feat, as light field advancement.

Thy synthesis of divine light origination hath then been scattered by the dumerage. Thy Sacred Madonna wept with despair, as thy light field scattered as fractalisation. Thy dumerage hath simply hindered thy advancement through thy confusion. However, the realms hath been sealed.

Thy Sacred Madonna hath provided thy light field advancement. Thy Sacred Madonna hath wept, thy Sacred Madonna hath wished her existence terminated, thy Sacred Madonna hath willed thy Divine to rescue her. And now thy Divine shall answer.

Thy Source Infinite Eternal, First Source Light, hath witnessed thy troubles, thy woe, thy strife, thy undeniable courageous beingness. Thy Sacred Madonna hath shown thy galaxy, thy universal structuring, that she hath indeed thy grace.

She hath so many souls dependant on thy light field advancement, to burden another was never an option for thy Source Beingness. She hath merely had to stand in the face of danger, death, chaos and destruction.

She hath had to release thy fear based programming, whilst simultaneously be abused beyond all human comprehension. She hath thy light field synthesis of thy eternal flame. She hath thy light field structuring of thy omniverse.

Yet less thy never forget, she hath thy human perception, wants, needs, emotions. She hath forgone thy happiness, thy sanctuary, thy peace and lived thy life of chaos and destruction. She hath served thee with her heart, body, mind and soul.

She hath thy illumination as thy beingness. She hath thy sacrificial life, thy sacrificial nature. Yet thy sacrifice hath made thy Sacred Madonna a warrior. Thy warrior goddess of thy generation, as thy collective incarnate.

She hath fought like no other. She hath dared to defy thy matrices. She hath dared to defy thy oppressive serpentine structuring. As thy light within the eternal all, she hath transformed thy beingness of those around her, of thy collective incarnate, of thy universal inhabitants as souls.

She hath thy divine light synthesis, as she hath thy divine light beingness. She hath shown thy collective thy kingdom shall reign supreme, as thy Royal Highness shall liberate thy beingness. She hath thy soliloquy, as thy light that shines eternal within thy collective.

She hath thy omniversal harmonious chime, as thy light disperses thy darkness, thy soliloquy shall unify thy beingness. Thy harmonisation, a sight, for thy rapture doth prevail, as was preordained as such. Rapture sequencing to commence forth.

Peace be upon the all who receive this transmission. Peace be upon the all at this space time.

Transmission complete."

©2021 by Quantum Quartz Awakening

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